One-Prompt-One-Story: Free-Lunch Consistent Text-to-Image Generation Using a Single Prompt

1VCIP, CS, Nankai University, 2Computer Vision Center, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona 3Mohamed bin Zayed University of AI, 4Linkoping University, 5SB Intuitions. SoftBank
*Corresponding author.
🔥ICLR 2025

We propose a training-free approach named 1Prompt1Story for consistent text-to-image generations with a single concatenated prompt. Our method can be applied to all text-embedding-based text-to-image models. Additionally, it enables multi-character generation, ControlNet-guided generation, and personalized generation of realistic images.


Text-to-image generation models can create high-quality images from input prompts. However, they struggle to support the consistent generation of identity-preserving requirements for storytelling. Existing approaches to this problem typically require extensive training in large datasets or additional modifications to the original model architectures. This limits their applicability across different domains and diverse diffusion model configurations. In this paper, we first observe the inherent capability of language models, coined context consistency, to comprehend identity through context with a single prompt. Drawing inspiration from the inherent context consistency, we propose a novel training-free method for consistent text-to-image (T2I) generation, termed “One-Prompt-One-Story” (1Prompt1Story). Our approach 1Prompt1Story concatenates all prompts into a single input for T2I diffusion models, initially preserving character identities. We then refine the generation process using two novel techniques: Singular-Value Reweighting and Identity-Preserving Cross-Attention, ensuring better alignment with the input description for each frame. In our experiments, we compare our method against various existing consistent T2I generation approaches to demonstrate its effectiveness through quantitative metrics and qualitative assessments.



title={One-Prompt-One-Story: Free-Lunch Consistent Text-to-Image Generation Using a Single Prompt},
author={Tao Liu and Kai Wang and Senmao Li and Joost van de Weijer and Fhad Khan and Shiqi Yang and Yaxing Wang and Jian Yang and Mingming Cheng},
booktitle={The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations},